Friday, July 15, 2016

Cleaning up the buffalo splat.

I've taken a hiatus, but I'm back.

I'm back to full time D-Moming.

I stood by and watched my boys learn to fly, and for awhile they did. In fact, they soared!

But something happened to their resolve, and their flying got less magical. Actually, if I'm being super honest, they are more like buffalos jumping out of trees now...they really can't fly at all anymore.


Get up.




Get up.




(Repeat a million times.)

I would cheer from the sidelines. I would give motivational talks. I would scold. I would cry.

It turns out motivating teenage boys is pretty much impossible. I just couldn't watch the splatting anymore.

So I came out of retirement, and I'm nurturing them in my nest once again.

This is happening.

I just started doing it one day, and none of them are questioning why. They lift their finger when I approach, and take out their pumps when I ask them to. I have them put in every number. I want them to be aware of where they are. I want them to get in the habit of taking out their pumps every time they test again. I want to get them out of their funks, and I'm hoping if I hold their hands, there will be more flying...or maybe just less splatting.

Also, 2am checks have been happening again. Which means me being awake for hours in the wee hours of the morning, worrying.

Worrying is so easy at night. It isn't right.

I also bit the bullet and ordered new T-Slim pumps for the two oldest. They've been using the same pumps their entire lives, and they need change. Don't get me wrong, I love the Medtronic pumps because they are SO easy to boys need things to be mixed up a bit. Rattled up a bit? boys need earthquakes.

Which means, Dexcom G5's all around, too.

Big changes. And these impending changes lead to multiple panic attacks on my end, because the 18 year old is leaving for college in six weeks. Will he be able to learn the ins and outs of the new pump and CGM before he leaves?

I'll leave that question for 2am.

Anyway, I'll be blogging again. No more ignoring the splatting buffalos in the room.

D-Mom, back on duty.


Also, I've missed you guys.


  1. I hope your face doesn't fly off and bounce across the floor.

  2. Yay! She's back!

    Loved getting to see you in person last week. It already seems like forever.

  3. Good luck with all the new equipment! And... YAY!!!! You are back. ❤️U Meri!

  4. I think you'll like the Dexcom G5's. My son is doing an internship in LA this summer (with the Human Trial which is very cool and a whole other story) and I can see his BGs from Atlanta anytime. So awesome to know he's alive!

  5. So glad you are back!! I am on the T:Slim (4 years in August) and I absolutely love it! The boys will really like it too because it's so easy to use and when it's a new cool piece of technology, it makes it less boring!

    Being a T1 myself, I get very tired of keeping up will all of the things necessary to be on top of my diabetes. I get why the boys were beginning to "splat". They are probably overwhelmed with all of it being on them (they were used to super mom being the pilot!!). Like all male teenagers (I have 4 boys...3 adults and one teenager) they want to be long as it means they don't have to do a thing.

    As a mom, I know how much T1 management must exhaust and stress you (x 3 boys). You are a rock star when it comes to it. But as a mom, I also know that because your boys are everything to you...your sense of urgency/love/fear is what motivates you and keeps you on alert at all times. Unfortunately, for the boys, their sense of urgency/fear is at a level far below yours. They don't understand the urgency and probably want to exercise some of the independence that they believe they deserve. This is a mother's worse fear.

    I think, in your situation, I would do just what you are doing. Back to being the pilot for now. They will be fine when it's their time to fly solo, they have had an awesome teacher. They are just your typical teenage boys...who love their mom...and love that she takes such amazing care of them!

  6. I'm so glad, selfishly, that you're back.. your writing and wit makes me smile.. but for your sake.. I wish there was still magical flying :-) Thanks for making me laugh on this afternoon when I really needed it. Also, youre alarms look like mine.. but mine is just for night.. I wake up every 2 hours to check the dexcom.. yes, I know.. anal retentive.

  7. Bravo for taking over this bit for a while to get them back on track. I am sure they'll figure out the new pumps and g5 in no time, kids are awesome like that! Enjoy the sunshine and summer with your cuties, too :)

  8. Welcome back!!

    Hope your boys enjoy the new toys and it helps to cause a few less splats.

  9. Splat. Can you come d-mom me??? (I know, I know. You already have 3 to care for, I only have one, myself. Okay, I won't bug you.) ;)

  10. I'm in the same boat. I need to take back in the reins with my 15 year old daughter. She does fairly good, but she skips checking and she doesn't bolus when she eats, but an hour or so later when she thinks about it. We need to get back into the better habits. She switched to the Tslim from Medtronic back in November and she thinks it's easeir. My son switched several years with no problems. Hope yours like them!


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