The orbit is sure.
I orbit my grief as the earth
orbits the sun.
My seasons come and go, and
thankfully I’d been able to enjoy somewhat of a lengthy respite from the
burning loneliness.
Until a couple weeks ago.
A couple weeks ago my Facebook
feed burned up with news of a family fighting cancer.
A family that I have never
met, but know by name.
A family that lives in the
next town over.
He is a teacher. A coach.
A Husband. A father of four young
And he has Melanoma, just
like Ryan. Brain tumors, just like
Ryan. The same mutation Ryan had.
And in one fell swoop all the
emotions that have been sitting on the edge of my consciousness whooshed in
like a tsunami of untethered grief. I
was taken completely off guard, and in my moment of panic, I did what I’ve
always been taught to do in dangerous situations.
I stopped (being happy)
I dropped (everything
important I was working on)
I rolled (into denial. Trying to pretend it wasn’t happening.)
But my tactics failed. Haven’t I learned so many times already to
just embrace the grief? To acknowledge
it and talk about it? Taking my feelings
and trying to hide them under my pillow full of tears was only exasperating the problem.
The loneliness swelled.
The despair of my loss heightened.
And the anger? Fierce. I HATE BEING ALONE! Why?
Suppressing the emotions has
been a feat in itself. I can’t explain
how hard it is to fully function in society under such conditions. I desperately tried to "fake it till I make it," but as it turns out, desperation is anything but a salve for the wounded.
Actually acknowledging it was
happening turned out to be the turning point for me. I could feel the fog laying heavy on my
life. The emotional weather so
debilitating I could almost see the cloud following me around as soon as my
eyes opened in the morning until they closed at night. The longer I allowed it to happen, the
heavier the burden became.
So one morning I woke up, looked
the despair square in the face and said, “I have hope.”
“This won’t last forever.”
“I don’t want to live like
“I’m going to try to change
“Experience tells me that
light chases away darkness.”
So I called on the light,
praying for help.
And it came.
The season is shifting and I
feel the warm wind of spring on my face.
I’ll be able to continue forward, but now realize…I must pay it forward
There is a family in the
darkest of circumstances who needs financial help. The father, the only provider, cannot
work. Can you donate a few dollars to
their family?
Turning my back on them was
not the answer. Turns out helping other
people makes you forget yourself.
“Sharing what you have is more important than what you have.”
~Albert M. Wells, Jr.
“God loves the world through us.” ~Mother Teresa
“Sharing makes you bigger than you are. The more you pour out,
the more life will be able to pour in.” ~Jim Roh
Help if you can. And help
if you can’t. I have a feeling if you
do, you will be blessed tenfold.
I was.

I love you and I wish I could give you a hug in real life.