To set the stage for the beginning chapter I would title it, "The high that never was." A couple hours before the official #dayofdiabetes began I bolused B for a 489 that had more to do with the kiwi juice on his fingers than the actual sugar in his body. Nevertheless, I got 4 hours sleep.
My #dayofdiabetes started at midnight nursing the bolus from a high that never existed. 1:30am: 124 w/ .25 OB. 10 carbs In case.
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 10, 2014
The fun continued from there...
Went to wake up boys and check sugars and found this. BG 298. #dayofdiabetes #WhatTheWhat
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 10, 2014
Wake up blood sugars 103, 79 and the 298 with pump ripped out. Added 1 hour if missed basal & crossing fingers. #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 10, 2014
One boy has cheerios, the other a bagel. Bolus accordingly. Call Boy 3 already at school, he's grabbing breakfast there. #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 10, 2014
Have the littles check how much insulin left in pumps. 46u and 147u. No site changes before school. That's something. #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 10, 2014
Making lunches and doing mental carb counts. #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 10, 2014
"Double check. You have your lunches? You gave breakfast boluses? Ok! Off to school! Love you!" #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 10, 2014
@our3Dlife: My breakfast. I guesstimated 4g of carbs. Wait. #idonthavediabetes #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 10, 2014
Mailed my $2 check to the franchise tax board. Got it all together while waiting on diabetes at 2am. #multitasker #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 10, 2014
Anxiously waiting for a phone call from the one who woke up with his set ripped out. #dayofdiabetes #20moreminutes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 10, 2014
Call from 10 year old. 104. Banana for snack. Only gave 10carbs because: recess. #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 10, 2014
12 year old hasn't checked in. Texted teacher, no response. Now to call school. #dayofdiabetes #setrippedoffthismorning
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 10, 2014
Finally got hold of 12yo. Turns out he has a sub today. 363. Bolused. #thoughtso #rippedoutset #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 10, 2014
At work, but thinking of diabetes. Worried about 12yo. Hoping all is working itself out. #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 10, 2014
Lunch check ins. 10yo 145. 12yo 102. #Hallelujah lots if IOB so half carbs for lunch. #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 10, 2014
Both called at the same time for lunch. One on hold checking IOB while I talk to the other. #happensallthetime #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 10, 2014
Teenager home sporting a 226. Hasn't got the PE swim days down yet. #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 10, 2014
Sis in law subbed at littles' school and brought them home. Walk in eating ice-cream. Did not check bg before. #notcool #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 10, 2014
Dinner BGs 66, 133 and 102. Out to dinner tonight. Looong day! #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 11, 2014
Bolused the boys 110 carbs each. This ought to be interesting... #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 11, 2014
2 hours post Chinese food check: 227, 243 and 128. #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 11, 2014
112. 127. 290. Why are two dropping and one keeps going up? #chinesefoodproblems #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 11, 2014
Migraine headache. Need sleep. But boys need another check soon. Sleep can wait. #storyofmylife #stillagoodlife #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 11, 2014
One is too low, carbs needed. One just right, with temp basal to keep him there. One is too high. Stubbornly too high. Set? #dayofdiabetes
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 11, 2014
#dayofdiabetes ends here, my alarm is set for 2am. A new day cometh. I'll happily take the helm at night as long as they'll allow. #everyday
— Meri / Diabetes (@our3Dlife) April 11, 2014
This morning I woke up to yet ANOTHER site ripped out, this time on a different boy. And then FINALLY, after five ripped out sets this week I realized...maybe there was a problem with that particular box of sets? Sure enough, when I looked at the box it had a big red 11 scrawled on it. I wrote that to indicate this box was obtained in 2011 and only to be used in emergency if we ran out of other sets. Somehow, one of the boys found it and opened it up to use and the rest is history. Just another day in our Diabetic Life, I suppose.
Other tweeters summed up #dayofdiabetes, I'd like to share with you their closing thoughts.
Closing out another #dayofdiabetes. Day 10,074 of type 1 diabetes on tap for tomorrow. Thanks for listening.
— Kerri / Diabetes (@sixuntilme) April 11, 2014
#dayofdiabetes is over in theory, but not in reality — Kelly / Diabetes (@diabetesalish) April 11, 2014
@iam_spartacus I'm tired just looking at everyone's tweets! A reminder of just how much we do each day. #dayofdiabetes
— Jess (@JessMeandD) April 11, 2014
I couldn't possibly sum up everything that goes through my head in one day. Just like the above tweets, diabetes is embedded in me. Part of who I am and how I think. One day I won't have to think so much about it. You can see that I don't have a lot of info about J above. He takes care of himself 90% of the time, and both L and B are on their way to that place too. They have been practicing set changes and working on counting their own carbs. My job is to get them to a place where they are confident in their independence. Until then, I'll be there to remind. To act. And most of all, to worry about all the details.

Thanks for sharing. The awful part about this is it's just one day.
ReplyDeleteYou are amazing. I get overwhelmed sometimes with just one D kid. And I have a helpful husband too. You might not always feel amazing, but you are to me.
ReplyDeleteI love reading about your life - even though there are times where I'm holding my breath until I know that whoever is high/low is okay now.