Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Haunting Heidi's Blog

Today I have the honor of guest posting at Heidi's blog, D-Tales. It is all about basal tweaking...and ghosts. You know, same ol same ol. :)

D Tales

Heidi has a son with T1, and we became instant friends when we found each other. She is kind, strong, and a devoted friend. I'm so thankful she is part of my support system!

Don't be shy, stop by and see what all the fuss is about. We are boooolllUUUuuusSSing!

To get there, click HERE, or cut and paste this beauty into your browser:


  1. I am totally cracking up! "I'm awesome!" LOVE IT! and Yes, You are! :) I can see it happening in our house...

  2. Totally funner indeed!

  3. I have a little singer, too. He soedn't have T1D, but his best tunes come from singing about his poop while on the pot.


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