Monday, May 16, 2011

10 things that have nothing to do with Diabetes!

1) My oldest is turning 16 on Wednesday. He got his permit and I had the privilege of taking him driving for the first time yesterday. My favorite quote from him had to be, "Okay, this shouldn't be too hard, I've played quite a few driving video games in my day. Just show me where the "A" button is and I'm good to go!" He was kidding of course, but gotta love him!

2) There are 10 more actual school days left. My boys are chomping at the bit for summer. Sadly, I have practically chewed through the bit, because I JUST. CAN'T. WAIT!

3) One word. Disneyland.

4) L had strep last week. Guess who has a sore throat right this minute? I'll give you a hint...she has a swelly brain and dreams of test strips growing on trees.

5) For those of you who are not friends with me on Facebook...(And why that is, I do not know!) Any hoo, for those of you that don't know, a bird built a nest in the wreath on our front door. 4 eggs hatched a couple weeks ago. They were SO gross...and now they are finally getting cute! Pictures to come. In the meantime...we don't use the front door anymore...which is more complicated than one would think.

6) My husband has started his garden. He has a large area to plant, and curiously...he has chosen to begin to plant everywhere else but the garden boxes. When I told him I would support him in this...I didn't mean I wanted peppers growing in my front yard. Garden boxes people! I thought it would all be contained in the garden boxes!

7) As a completely random public service announcement: When there is a stop means stop. I'm not kidding. You seriously need to wait your turn.

8) We found out this week that my husband is officially 2 years cancer free. After seeing a you tube video this week he is compelled to share his story. Expect a tear jerker soon.

9) Phillip on Survivor is totally whack.

10) I started writing this last night...and here it is morning and my neck is swollen up like a puffer fish. It hurts. It's uncomfortable. It's official. I have strep. What am I, 8?

Have a wonderful week friends!


  1. Meri, the first one is awesome! What a kid your oldest must be! As much as I dread my kids getting older, hearing about your wonderful boys makes me so excited for all the things I'll get to hear and see from Leo!

    Incredibly fantastic about your husband being cancer-free for 2 years!

    Sorry you're not feeling good. I hope you can get some drugs and feel better quick! Love your swelly brain, Meri!


    Except the strep.

    Kick that sucker to the curb ASAP!!!!!!

    Much love always, my friend :)

  3. 1.Feel better Meri!!
    2.Good luck with the driving! Eeek!!!
    3. What do you mean STOP means to STOP and wait your turn??? thought you were from California? Havent you heard the term "California stop" ??? :)
    4. YAY for the hubby!!! Cancer free for 2 years is AWESOME!!!
    5. can't wait to see pictures of those baby birdies!
    6. I wish we were closer to getting done with school!
    7. I really wish we could go to Disneyland!!!
    8. I don't watch survivor.
    9. Hope L is all better!
    10. We really need to get to work on our garden!

  4. awww, sweet friend! I'm sorry you're sick. Loved the driving comment... your kids make me laugh. Yay for disneyland. BIGGER yay for 2 years cancer-free.


  5. ohh, I hope you're feeling better soon. I've never had strep but it definitely sounds like no fun.
    I can't wait for our kiddos to drive it sounds like such a crazy adventure :)
    I've loved seeing the baby birds from the beautiful eggs to pink writhing babies!
    Have a fab week!

  6. #1 was amazing!! The A button! How did I not think of that!!

    Strep does suck. I always find that Ginger Tea (I prefer yogi brand) helps a lot with sore throats. Feel better!

  7. We had a family of blue jays that would always take up residence in a big holly bush right by the back door in the house I grew up in. (wow, that was a looong sentence!!) We would attach a mirror to a yardstick to carefully stick through the bus to be able to see them. It was so much fun watching them grow!
    Ah, childhood memories!

    Looks like your list has lots of memories in the makings.
    Sucks that your sick...just love it when they get the 'sharing' lesson with things we don't want them to share!!

  8. Love the 10 things....not the strep!! My youngest was diagnonsed with Strep on throat was sore all day Sunday. Now it's not! The mind likes to play games doesn't it???? Hope you feel better soon and watch for my friend request!!

  9. Meri, I hope you feel better soon!

  10. Step sucks.
    Two years cancer free makes me want to dance.
    Sixteen year old drivers... you will survive, honest!

  11. WoHooo on the Mr. Swelly Brain for being cancer free...and now to talk him into the GARDEN BOXES!

    AND...Phillip was a total nut job fo' sho'. Could.not.stand.him.

  12. Oh my Lord. Phillip. We wondered if he was just playing and that was his strategy... Nope. Total FT. Hilarious!

    Love you! Feel better soon!

  13. I. Hate. Strep.

    I am convinced the back to back strep infections we ALL had last June - July are responsible for kicking Ellie's anti - autobody cells into overdrive. Ack!!!

    I love this post, Meri. I love the peek into your non-Dlife . . . or, is there really a separation of the two in you house?!

  14. I love you!
    I'm glad your honey is cancer free - maybe he can plant roses in the garden boxes?
    STOP means STOP. Unless were talking cupcakes!
    Your oldest is 16? But you don't look a day over 25!
    Maybe you have strep because you look like such a kiddie!

  15. Lol the A button comment still has me giggling

  16. Oh, yeah, Phillip cuckoo, cuckoo!!

    Two years cancer free is something to celebrate! Happy for your family! :) I'll be sure to buy an extra box of tissues to carry me through his tear jerker.

    If your husband runs out of gardening space, I have a whole yard waiting for him.

    We, too, are going to Disneyland this summer. So looking forward to it!

    Hooray for summer vacation!

    Feel better soon!

  17. SIXTEEN? ARe you old enough? That scares me, and I'm not there yet!!! And 16-year-olds? coast thru stop signs with the best of us. Sorry. (Does a fast 1-2-3-4 not count?)

    You gotta get some meds! Strep is AWFUL.
    I love a good cancer survivor, share his video!! WE are happy for both of you!! : ) Hugs, Holly

    ps-want a laugh?? My word verification is: ratheat
    Rats in heat...hahahaha!

  18. I am so glad to hear about your wonderful news and I can't wait to hear his story.

    Your son is funny.

    And I have no clue who Phillip is... guess that works out for me :)


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